Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A Multiple Vitamins And Proper Nutrition Can Boost The Body’s Energy Efficiency

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Today, when we look around, we can’t help but notice that the environment is suffering. Natural resources are depleted, water and soil are contaminated, and air, in some cities, is gray with particulates. If the human body is a microcosm of the planet, and the planet is showing signs of stress, then one can only imagine what is going on with our bodies. Scientific advances allow us to fight fatal disease, but obesity and diabetes rates are higher than ever. People who are living unhealthy lifestyles are facing a “personal environment” crisis similar to the one that Earth is fighting.

Just as fossil fuels are guilty of polluting the environment, junk foods are to blame for polluting our bodies, making both our bodies and the planet pay the price. The answer lies in our energy choices. Fresh foods are the antidote to microwave dinners and meals from the drive-thru. The healthiest and most efficient sources of energy all have one thing in common; they are derived directly from the sun. Sunlight creates vitamin D in our bodies and allows plants to grow. Despite our fears of melanoma and premature aging, the sun does so much for us.

About 85% of our country’s power today comes from carbon-based fossil fuels. Even though these energy sources originated from the sun, it took the earth millions of years to create these fuels that we rely upon today. After over 100 years of use, we’re quickly running out of these fuels, which may be good considering the harmful effects fossil fuels cause. The good news it that there are clean, renewable, natural alternatives to these energy sources, such as solar energy.

Although solar energy currently accounts for only about 0.1% of US energy usage, its momentum is increasing steadily, as demand has grown from 20% to 25% over the past twenty years. We can harness the sun’s energy by passive solar heating, which can reduce heating bills as much as 50%; solar hot water heating, which uses a roof-mounted solar collector in order to produce hot water; and PV panels, which achieve between 10% to 20% efficiency in converting sunlight into energy. Solar energy doesn’t pollute, is infinitely available, and is steadily increasing in efficiency levels.

The sun also supplies the cleanest, most efficient fuel for our bodies: vegetables, fruits, grains, and anything else that comes from the earth. All living things depend on sunlight for food. Therefore, food in its natural state, nourished by the sun, comes readily made with all the nutrients that we need in order to achieve optimal health. The processed junk foods are many steps removed from the sun’s energy and have little nutritious effects to offer us and all they do is pollute our system. Those calories that are nutrient-based are the best bet for our body’s efficiency.

Nutrient-dense foods allow us to eat less and yet feel more satisfied because we’re getting the needed nourishment. If the body’s cells are thought of as microscopic power plants, it can be seen that they need the right kind of fuel in order to make the machine (the body) do what it’s suppose to do. Without carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, the body can not function. These substances allow the body to perform daily activities such as heart, lung, and organ function, as well as repairing tissue.

Those foods containing phytochemicals are disease fighting, adding increased benefits to our diet. Whole foods that are fresh from the earth are the best options to keep your body in peak performance. For those who can not eat good all day long, multiple vitamins are available to help supplement what is missing from the over processed foods in out diets.

By: Darrell Miller

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